Embodied Awakening is an Tantric Arts Academy of choice offering training in life, love and service. It is an integrative, feminine approach in its style, guiding people all around the world to live in their ease, joy and power.

Embodied Awakening inspires men and women all over the world to embody the love and freedom that is their birthright, and finally have the relationship with themselves and another that they desire. 

Are you ready for Transformation?
Are you ready to attract your dream partner or considerably upgrade your relationship?
Are you ready to leave behind the constructs that have bound you?
Are you ready to empower yourself emotionally and sexually?
Are you ready to align to your unique soul’s gifts?
Are you ready to create an extraordinary life from your deepest soul desires?
Are you ready to connect to others with attainment, presence and seductive powers?
Are you ready to swim in abundance?
Are you ready to love your body as the temple of your soul?
Are you ready to find your voice and respect yourself?
Are you ready to be a sexually ecstatic awakened human?

If you are a “yes”, then it’s time to explore our teachings so get in touch with us today to find out how our unique offerings can best support you.

Embodied Awakening Academy

Tantra Online Courses

Tantric Practitioners Training

Shadow work course

Enhance Your Love Relationship With The Magic Of Tantra

Introduction: Tantric relationships are magical and satisfactory in the long term. They help partners grow into mature individuals. A Tantra relationship is a sacred union of two souls together for eternity. The practice of Tantra in a love relationship can help couples understand the real meaning of love. Tantra,  the practice of being in a whole relationship…

Navigating And Building A Sacred Relationship With Tantra

The relationship is a pure and sacred journey of two souls that are made for each other. Embarking on this pure, blissful journey of a relationship unfolds the sacred spiritual path.  Tantra is an ancient spiritual art of connection that offers a transformative lens through which the souls can travel and navigate through this intricate terrain of its stages.  So, let’s discover the interesting fusion of meditation,…

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